Lake Tahoe Cabin - 2019
Siding, Windows, Framing, Dry Rot
The Cook family cabin has been a special getaway for generations. Tahoe winters are unrelenting and take a toll on the exterior material. The family wanted to update the exterior to modern materials so the cabin can stay in the family for many decades to come. They also wanted to let more natural light through the enclosed addition on the back side.
As we removed the original siding, we found dry rot. Plus the walls were under insulated with numerous air gaps When the enclosed addition framing was exposed, we found it need to be rebuilt. Dry rot and pests had done their damage.
The client chose to clad the cabin in James Hardi Cement board siding. We installed new windows throughout the entire cabin. This will give a massive boost to energy efficiency. Updating wall insulation plus sealing air gaps dramatically improves heat retention in the winter. Our professional paint crew did amazing work as always.
Restoring and updating family always feels good. We took a lot of care with this treasure and we think the results reflect that. The Cook family will be cozy for many more generations now.